A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board


Over the past two months, ABC Keystone has gradually and safely returned to holding in-person training and classes for apprenticeship, professional development, and safety. The Chapter also brought member social events back into action.

On September 24, the Chapter’s first in-person event since the COVID-19 shutdown- the annual ABC Keystone Clay Shoot presented by OSS Health – was held at Central Penn Sporting Clays. The event saw both morning and afternoon flights sell out, and it was quite evident participants enjoyed the competition and comradery.

The rescheduled ABC Keystone Golf Outing presented by Harmon and Davies, P.C. – held at Iron Valley Gold Club on October 21 – was another highly successful outdoor event. Looking ahead, the Chapter’s Excellence in Construction Awards ceremony on December 10 will be virtual, but it promises to creatively utilize the virtual format to create a unique experience for the many members planning to tune in. Visit the Chapter’s website for more events scheduled in 2021, including the Inaugural and the annual Economic Breakfast!

For members in need of additional or supplemental safety services, ABC Keystone delivers Safety Consulting Services featuring:

  • Safety training and certification
  • Crafting or updating of safety plans including jobsite-specific safety policies
  • Navigating OSHA requirements
  • OSHA citation counseling
  • Preparing and presenting safety meetings
  • Safety recognition program development
  • Serving as your employer representative
  • One-hour free safety consultation

ABC Keystone’s professional development programs offer a wide variety of educational opportunities for members. Learn more about construction contracts, employee relations and engagement, and many other topics by simply signing up online or calling the Chapter office. These programs can be invaluable for employee retention and improvement. Several field supervisor training and development courses are also offered multiple times each year.

One of the most important areas in which your Chapter delivers value is political advocacy. Many of us don’t have the time, the energy, or the understanding of how to improve or change state or federal laws. That is where our Chapter, our ABC PA state organization, and our national ABC association are ready, willing, and able to impact the direction of anti-construction or pro-construction policy. And, when Union-backed PLA’s or picketing affect your project productivity, ABC Keystone has your back. Members finding themselves in that situation have found the support was priceless.

Membership does not cost, it pays!

I trust that ABC membership will continue to be of value to you and your company. The Board leadership and Chapter staff are here to serve members and promote, preserve and protect free enterprise in construction. That’s what we do, and it’s why we are here!

Be Healthy and Safe,
Roger Brubaker
2020 Chair of the Board
Director of Construction Services
Meadow Valley Electric, Inc.
(717) 397-9600

Posted November 3, 2020