
ABC National Endorses Trump | August 2024

On Monday, July 22, ABC National officially announced the endorsement of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. Before the endorsement, ABC National staff was able to meet with both the campaign staff and Trump himself. We understand that this may cause some consternation or lead to questions. The following points clearly show why a Trump administration would be more beneficial to the construction industry than a Harris administration:
Points for Endorsement of Donald J. Trump:

• Proven Track Record: President Trump demonstrated unwavering support for the construction industry during his previous term.
• Economic Policies: President Trump’s commitment to reducing taxes and implementing pro-business policies aligns with ABC’s mission. These policies ensure a thriving economy that benefits large and small construction companies.
• Infrastructure Development: President Trump’s focus on rebuilding America’s infrastructure has been a cornerstone of his policy agenda. His plans to invest in critical infrastructure projects will create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and improve the nation’s competitiveness.
• Support for Skilled Trades: Under President Trump’s leadership, there was a renewed emphasis on vocational training and apprenticeships. These efforts are vital for addressing the skilled labor shortage in the construction industry and have empowered individuals to pursue rewarding careers in the trades.
• Commitment to Deregulation: President Trump’s efforts to roll back unnecessary regulations have reduced the administrative burden on businesses, allowing them to focus on innovation, efficiency, and job creation.

ABC National Board members voted to endorse Donald J. Trump for President based on these key reasons. They believe that President Trump’s policies have had a profoundly positive impact on the construction industry and the broader economy. His vision for America aligns with our values of merit-based opportunity and free enterprise. ABC is optimistic that his re-election will ensure continued growth and prosperity for our industry and the nation.