Meet Daniel Redcay!


Meet Daniel Redcay
Project Engineer
Wohlsen Construction

Wohlsen Construction

As an Emerging Leader, how has your involvement with ABC Keystone helped you?
I’ve been a committee member of ABC for three years now. Having grown up in the industry and in Lancaster County, I’ve known about the Chapter since I was young. During my time with ABC Keystone, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and connect with numerous professionals, make new friends, and
contribute to making Central PA a better place. Being a part of ABC Keystone has been incredibly valuable to me.

What role do you play in your organization?
As a Project Engineer at Wohlsen, I support both field and office operations. Onsite during construction, I work closely with the superintendent to maintain schedules, uphold high-quality standards, coordinate subcontractors, and prioritize safety. In the office, I assist with various tasks such as submittals, RFIs, change orders, and collecting and organizing closeout documents. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to creating Raving Fan clients for Wohlsen.

What words of advice do you have for your fellow Emerging Leaders?
Don’t hesitate to reach out, meet people, and get involved in community leadership initiatives. Networking in this industry is invaluable, and ABC is a great place to start.

Why do you wake up and go to work every day?
There are a few reasons why I get up and go to work every day. Firstly, I’m fortunate to have a great group of colleagues at Wohlsen and across the construction industry here in the Central PA region. The construction industry here is tight-knit, with endless overlapping networks, and I love that aspect of
our trade. Looking to the future, I’m excited about seeing the projects I’ve worked on and being able to tell my wife and kids, “Hey, I helped build that.” That sense of fulfillment is really important to me.