Young Professionals Perspective

YP Perspective - ABC Keystone

I’ve been asked a lot lately, “what’s your future look like?” or “where do you see yourself in five years?” I’m going to be honest; I don’t know. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have goals or that I’m unmotivated. I just don’t know where my accomplishments will lead me, and I’m okay with that.

Message from the Chair: 2022 GOALS & INITIATIVES

A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board

With the start of a new year, there is always excitement over the goals and initiatives we set out to accomplish. Likewise, there are many exciting initiatives that we are working on at ABC Keystone for the upcoming year.

First, we look to establish the Inclusion, Diversity and Unity committee. Unfortunately, the construction industry has an image problem. For too long, it has been considered a white male profession. While attending the 2021 ABC Leadership Institute, we saw how other chapters are making significant inroads with the minority, women, Veterans and LGBT communities. As we look at an aging workforce, the answer must be attracting new talent to this industry. ABC Keystone and all ABC chapters should tell the story that construction is a great industry in which to work, you can make a good living, and it is an industry for all.