How Time Flies During a Pandemic!

ABC Keystone President Message July 2021

It is hard to believe that we are already halfway through 2021, and we are beginning to think about 2022. During the last 16 months, things felt like they would never get back to normal, yet the time flew by quite quickly. So, how have the first six months of 2021 turned out, and what is in store moving forward for ABC Keystone?

Message from the President-CEO: Prevailing Wage Jobs? Contractors, Beware!

Prevailing wage work has been around since the Sixties. In Pennsylvania, a majority of the work on PA prevailing wage jobs is constructed by Merit Shop Contractors. As with any government funded project, contractors need to be aware of the risks, the rules and all the requirements placed on the job by the contracting agency.

Message from the President-CEO: Elections Have Consequences. You Better Buckle Up!

Message from the President CEO ABC Keystone March 2021

I know, after every election, we hate to hear the phrase ”Elections have Consequences.” Well, the next phrase I’m going to share is just as relevant, and if you have been around ABC very long, you may also get tired of this phrase over the next few years. “Get into politics or get out of business.” For today, I want to focus on politics at the Federal level, because, from a political perspective, it is at this level your business is the most vulnerable. Read more…

Message from the President-CEO: Workforce Development…Now More Than Ever

Message from the President-CEO ABC Keystone

As we enter February, we celebrate Career & Technology Education, or CTE month. Our partners from the various County Career and Technology Centers (CTCs) are the steppingstone and first rung into developing our Craft Professionals for our industry. We have had a long-standing relationship with both Lancaster CTC and Berks CTC. During 2020, we also entered into a formal agreement with Cumberland/Perry CTC and have opened a positive dialog with Dauphin County Technical School. Read more…

Message from the President-CEO: Where We’ve Been…Where We’re Going

ABC Keystone President Message January 2021

It is hard to believe that 2020 is over. In some ways, it seemed like a long year, in other ways it went very fast. We started the past year extremely strong. Operating in the third year of a very robust strategic plan, ABC Keystone was on its way to breaking attendance records for events and training, and more companies than ever were involved in the Chapter’s apprenticeship program. Read more…

Message from the President-CEO: Keystone Goes Green

Message from the President-CEO ABC Keystone

When the ABC Keystone Board of Directors approved moving forward with our building expansion and renovations back in 2014, they did so with the priority of being good stewards of our resources and that of our energy consumption. The new building was designed and built with “green” in mind. In addition, there were components built in to accommodate future “green” initiatives.
businesses must close.” As we came to find out, construction was determined to be nonessential. Through many emails and phone calls, we
were able to get some projects open if they were life-sustaining. I am still not sure a real definition has been issued for ‘life-sustaining.’ However, in their wisdom, the State felt they could define it through a waiver process, and we all know how that worked. Read more…

Message from the President-CEO: Why We Do What We Do

ABC Keystone Message from the President

Seven and a half months ago, the COVID-19 pandemic began, and those dreaded words came down from Governor Tom Wolf: “All nonessential
businesses must close.” As we came to find out, construction was determined to be nonessential. Through many emails and phone calls, we
were able to get some projects open if they were life-sustaining. I am still not sure a real definition has been issued for ‘life-sustaining.’ However, in their wisdom, the State felt they could define it through a waiver process, and we all know how that worked. Read more…

Message from the President-CEO: Plotting the Next Chapter

ABC Keystone Message from the President

As we enter the home stretch of 2020, we near the conclusion of a three-year strategic plan that brought us to where we are today. We have had success in working on our goals in the arena of government affairs, workforce development and growing and delivering value to our members in education, safety and other services.