NO-COST VIRTUAL TRAINING: Adult AED, CPR & Basic Medic First Aid

Note: Online registration ends May 1, 2020; if registering after May 1, please email; Timing of training will be at your convenience but should be completed within 30 days; course access details will be emailed to you. | Learn the lifesaving skills needed to protect your family, friends and co-workers!Certifications are valid for two years.  Note: Certification will be earned following the required hands-on training – date/time TBD due to the current COVID-19 situation. The instructor will keep you informed of the updated schedule.

NO-COST VIRTUAL TRAINING: Lockout Tagout and You – The Basics of Lockout Tagout

This virtual training is currently full. | OSHA states that hazardous energy as energy sources including electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, or other sources in machines and equipment can be hazardous to workers. During the servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment, the unexpected startup or release of stored energy can result in serious injury or death to workers. This webinar will assist workers by educating them of the hazards associated with failure to follow the proper procedures, identify hazardous energy situations and the actions to be taken, and to provide the regulatory guidance of how to comply with OSHA’s regulations.

NO-COST VIRTUAL TRAINING: Managing a Respiratory Protection Program

This webinar is currently full. | No-cost Virtual Training: OSHA mandates that companies who use respirators have a written respiratory protection program. This program must be designated by a competent respiratory protection program administrator who is versed in the requirements and methods of program implementation. This session is intended to help employers meet this requirement for individuals who are involved in administrating a respiratory protection program.

JLG Industries, Inc. is Here at Keystone!

By: G. David Sload, ABC Keystone President-CEO In June of 2018, JLG Industries Inc. and ABC National announced a strategic partnership that would help solve industry challenges with world-class education, […]

Talking to Your Workers About COVID-19

Safety Blog ABC Keystone

By: Kevin B. Keith, ABC Keystone Director of Safety Every employer is being tasked to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus. A lot of companies are finding themselves asking […]