A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board


As I humbly step into the Chair position of the ABC Keystone Board for the year 2021 – or maybe it is better described as ‘sitting’ in the Chair position – I wish we were entering a more predictable future for our industry. Looking around, I still hear the COVID-19 ‘Goliath’ stalking and yelling at us to fear him, attempting to intimidate us by his threats. What we really need is a ‘David’ to slay this enemy and allow us to get back to business! To my great delight, I discovered that, lo and behold, we have not one but two Davids in our arsenal to overcome this adversary! A big thank you to David (Dave) Sload and David Greineder, who have led us through the last nine months by increasing and growing our ABC influence and value, staring down any fear that the ‘big old giant’ is attempting to bring our way! We are incredibly grateful for your work!

One of my top priorities in the new year is to reconfigure and enhance ABC Pennsylvania (ABC PA). In recent years ABC PA was informally organized and, at times, ineffective in presenting a united front at the State level. We are working with the other chapters in the state to formalize a new set of bylaws for use in the new year, pending approval by the chapters. The Keystone Chapter is hoping to have the proposal adopted in early 2021. Our champions, Dave and David, deserve our gratitude as they lead this charge to increase our membership value to everyone on the political front.

Speaking of political value, I am pleased that our legislative activities have not gone unrecognized. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon to have politicians ask ABC for its position, a distinction that enhances our political input and influence. A good example was the opportunity that David Greineder had to work closely with then Speaker Mike Turzai, (R) Allegheny, to support House Bill 2400 which opened construction on May 1, much earlier than proposed originally by our Governor.

Increasing our workforce development impact is also a high priority for me. To that end, I will continue to encourage efforts to advance legislation from this past session establishing one-to-one ratios in apprenticeship, making ABC Keystone’s apprenticeship program equal with most other programs. Rep. Barb Gleim, (R) Cumberland, sponsored House Bill 559, and Roger Brubaker, our past Chair, testified before the House Labor and Industry Committee in support of the issue. Let’s keep the spotlight on pushing this project forward for the future of our industry!

As this year kicks off, I want to encourage all committees and Chairs to continue to focus on membership engagement and to take advantage of training opportunities. I realize social and networking functions are temporarily hampered due to ‘Goliath’ still acting out, but please stay in touch with each other during this time. Let’s commit to ‘no loyal members left behind’ and continue to support and sustain each other as we confidently work to advance our industry in 2021!

Cleo Weaver
2021 Chair of the Board
ABC Keystone
Triangle Refrigeration Co.
(717) 656-2711

Posted January 4, 2021