Message from the Chair: Opportunity Knocks

A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board

I believe it goes without saying that 2020 rolled out differently than anyone could have predicted this time last year! The “Year of COVID” was certainly filled with many challenges and setbacks in our personal freedoms and financial successes. However, based on the high performance of our team at ABC Keystone, along with the continued commitment of our members, it is with great optimism, that I believe opportunity will be knocking on many doors in 2021.

Advocacy Update: Election Recap and Help Us Improve Our Advocacy Program

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

The 2020 General Election is now behind us. Much like in 2016, the polls were wrong in many respects. In a year when Democrats were projected to win big, the “blue wave” flopped. Democratic operatives were looking to flip control of state legislatures to dictate re-districting processes next year. As it turns out, only two state legislative chambers changed control, both in New Hampshire, and both flipped from Democrat to Republican. Overall, Republicans outperformed expectations, gaining seats both in the U.S. Congress and in the Pennsylvania General Assembly.

Advocacy Update: Thankful for Engaged Members

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Thank you for your service and membership with ABC! It is safe to say the start of the new decade did not go as anyone intended. Our members continue to manage the effects of the pandemic and are concerned about business prospects in 2021. Despite these challenges, ABC chapters and members have been more active in our advocacy efforts than ever before. In fact, during and after the shutdown, our grassroots network grew by nearly 50 percent. Thank you!

Make Your Voice Heard: VOTE

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

ABC is committed to keep you informed and connected to resources leading up to Election Day. Your voice and your vote matters! Many of you have already performed your civic duty by casting your vote through the mail. For that, we thank you. Others are planning to vote in-person at the polls. We thank you in advance.

Election Day is Approaching Fast

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

ABC is committed to keep you informed and connected to resources leading up to Election Day. Your voice and your vote matters! We are less than one week from the Election Day. If you have not voted yet, we want to make sure you are connected to the resources and information you need to cast a ballot. Discover resources.

Champions of Free Enterprise

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

ABC is committed to keep you informed and connected to resources leading up to Election Day. Your voice and your vote matters! In even-numbered years, the five regional ABC chapters that make up “ABC Pennsylvania” go through a process to review and recommend candidates to support for office. As a service to our members, we posted the full list of those candidates we believe will defend free enterprise and the merit shop philosophy. View the endorsements.

Advocacy Update: Supporting our Policy Champions

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

This month, you heard from ABC Keystone’s Board Chair on the consequences of elections. Keeping with that theme, this article will touch on endorsed candidates and the importance of supporting those individuals for office.

Voting Options During COVID-19

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

ABC is committed to keep you informed and connected to resources leading up to Election Day. Your voice and your vote matters! If you are a new voter or unsure if you are registered to vote, you can check your voter registration status by clicking here. The last day to register to vote before the election is Monday, October 19. View helpful resources.

ABC Keystone Board of Directors Endorses Pro-Merit Shop Candidates

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

ABC Keystone’s Board of Directors is proud to offer our slate of endorsed candidates. We believe it is important to support strong leaders who are committed to defending free enterprise and the merit shop philosophy. We look forward to building upon our relationships and working closely with our elected officials on policy issues impacting the commercial construction industry. A complete list of ABC Keystone’s endorsements can be found below

Advocacy Update: Not So Lonely at the Top

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Often it is said, “the top is a lonely place to be.” For legislators representing the south central part of the Commonwealth, that could not be further from the truth. Our region is extremely fortunate to have experienced and respected lawmakers serving in leadership capacities and chairing committees that have jurisdiction over our issues.

Welcome to the ‘Silly Season’

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

The political parties have officially nominated their candidates for President and Vice President of the United States. As part of that process, the Republicans and Democrats hold national conventions to conduct business and hear from prominent leaders. While one can argue we have been there for quite a while, we are now in the thick of election year politics, otherwise known as the “silly season.”