The Merit Shop Spokesman Blog

The Latest Chapter News from ABC Keystone


When I entered this industry in 1978 it was basically an all-male industry. Except for the accounting office or the administrative assistant pool, it was hard to find a female employee. Here we are 46 years later and for the month of March we celebrate Women in Construction. Yes, we have come a long way, but we also have plenty of room to grow.

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Our industry continues to see a major impact from labor shortages which currently stand at an approximate 500,000 deficit nationally and 30,000 deficit for Pennsylvania. ABC Keystone is taking on this challenge with an outside-the-box approach to bring about opportunity to help toward solving this challenge.

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FOUNDING MEMBER SPOTLIGHT | Warfel Construction | February 2024

Our greatest achievement is the experience we provide to our clients, made possible through our people and the unique culture of Warfel that has developed and evolved since 1911. We have grown and been successful over time by honoring our mission and values and being grounded in doing the right thing.

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Meet Dave Boll

At age 14, I started working summers for a local electrician. After graduating from high school, I decided to become a full-time electrician. I continued to learn many things regarding electrical work, including the fact that I enjoyed working with customers on special projects!

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Quite a few football fans in Pennsylvania are disappointed heading into this year’s Super Bowl (especially those of us who are Steelers or Eagles fans). What is kicking off right now is the start of election season in our state, which may be less exciting for some but will set the stage for an impactful future.

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FOLLOW THE MONEY | February 2024

If you watch many crime shows you often hear the investigating officer say, ”follow the money,” As we look at the status of politics, National, State, and Local, we keep asking how we got to the condition we are in. I would suggest all you need to do is follow the money.

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FULL STEAM AHEAD | February 2024

2024 is already steamrolling along and there continues to be many challenges to our businesses that we need to be prepared for. Let’s tackle some of them and discuss how ABC Keystone is here and helping our members fight to protect our businesses and the merit shop, free enterprise principles that we all embrace.

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Apprentice Spotlight | Bryce Mayer

Bryce Mayer, J.D. Eckman, Inc.Carpentry 3A What made you choose the trade you are learning?I chose the carpenter trade because my company offered two programs through ABC: carpenter and operator.

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Meet Shawn E. Sweigart

My journey started in Finance and Accounting as I am passionate about learning how companies operate and what makes them successful. The intersection between Business Operations and Technology was natural, as technology is critical to any highly functioning business.

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Making 2024 Count | December 2023

Much of this past year has been filled with frustration in seeing the decisions made by our state and federal public officials. That has been fatiguing. The new year provides several opportunities to send a message to all. Maybe you’re reading this and are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore … so read on for what you can do about it.

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A YEAR IN REVIEW | December 2023

As we approach the end of 2023, I want to reflect on the accomplishments of the Keystone Chapter over the past 12 months. For the third year in a row, membership retention was over 90%, ending the year at 90.4%. As of November 27th, we were only three members shy of growth-plus-one in membership.

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