The Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Keeping You Informed on Legislative Matters that Affect Your Business
ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

The Merit Shop Advocacy Update

If you follow politics, you might have heard the phrase, “October surprise.” This is political terminology to refer to a major news event – perhaps scandalous to some degree – that is aimed to influence the outcome of an election. With the popularity of early voting and mail-in voting, it will be interesting to see how much these stories will matter. It will also be interesting to see if strategists will re-evaluate the timing of how and when to “release” this kind of information. Who knows, maybe October surprises will turn into August surprises.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

The Merit Shop Advocacy Update

The 2022 General Election, especially in Pennsylvania, is set up to be a nail-biter. In Pennsylvania, all 203 seats in the House of Representatives are up for election, along with 25 seats in the Senate (in even numbered districts). Voters will also elect a new governor, a U.S. Senator, and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives across 17 congressional districts.

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A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board

Message from the Chair: ABC Keystone in Action

August was a fun month! It was great to see everyone in Wrightsville at ABC Keystone’s Summer Outdoor Mixer presented by Saxton & Stump Lawyers and Consultants and to see many of you in Belfonte at the Keystone Chapter’s Nittany Valley Mixer. Mixers like these are events I look forward to each year to have a good time and catch up with so many of our ABC members. It was especially valuable this year to build connections with our members from our new Nittany Valley Region.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

The Merit Shop Advocacy Update

This weekend will be the 140th time America will celebrate Labor Day. While we mark the long weekend as the “unofficial end of summer,” the day was created to recognize the work, contributions, and achievements of American labor, particularly the trades. As an association consisting of the trades and businesses affiliated with the construction industry, we want to say THANK YOU for your contributions to this great nation and for helping to train the next generation of tradespeople.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

The Merit Shop Advocacy Update

You may have heard the term “August recess” from our advocacy team, but it’s not like the recess you remember from grade school. It is a time when legislative sessions are on break in Harrisburg and Washington, D.C. to allow lawmakers to travel their districts. In an election year, politicians maximize this time to meet with constituents and talk about issues important to them. ABC will use this time to meet with as many of our elected officials as possible to let them know what is impacting your business.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

The Merit Shop Advocacy Update

The summer is upon us. The legislature completed their work on a $44 billion state budget, along with accompanying “code bills” that specify how taxpayer dollars are to be allocated. The budget represents an 11 percent increase over last year, largely due to unspent federal stimulus and increases in public education spending. The budget deposited $2.1 billion into the Rainy Day Fund, bringing the total to about $5 billion. Lawmakers believe the fund will help shield Pennsylvanians from tax increases if the economy slips into a recession and/or revenues decrease.

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A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board

Message from the Chair: Elections Have Consequences

Who is tired of hearing “elections have consequences?” I know I am, but after spending several days in Washington D.C. at the ABC National Legislative Conference, I get it. ABC National has been tracking several issues and waiting for some of the rules from the current administration to determine the next course of action. Several of these steps include preparing to file suit. The list of items from this administration that ABC opposes is extensive, and I suggest you visit the ABC website to review the list in detail. There are two items that I would like to highlight as they are of great importance to ABC members.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

The Merit Shop Advocacy Update

The last week of June is traditionally the “mad dash” to complete the state budget and hit the campaign trail. This year has been no different. While both sides were optimistic a budget deal could be made early and without much “heartburn,” those hopes were dampened by disagreements on various policy issues and funding certain state-related universities.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Advocacy Update

Van Halen said in 1995, we are, “livin’ with the aftershock.” The Pennsylvania primary election has come and gone. As with any election, there were some surprising and some not-so surprising results.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Advocacy Update

The Pennsylvania primary election is finally over. After the state budget is completed in June – which is expected to pass with little fanfare – we will enter the summer slog to election day. When the legislature returns in September, session days will be light and campaign activities will be heavy.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Advocacy Update: Election Information & Resources from ABC PA

The primary election is just a few weeks away! Because there is a wide field of candidates, and as a service to our members, we posted an “Election Information Guide,” so you know exactly who is running, where to find information on how and where to vote, and information on the new congressional map.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Advocacy Update: An Election to Remember

In even-numbered years, April is traditionally a busy time for political campaigns. Candidates are raising money, talking with stakeholders, and knocking on doors. This year is no different, especially in a year where there are literally dozens of candidates running for office. ABC of Pennsylvania is committed to providing information to Chapters on the candidates running for office so you and your employees can be informed voters.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Advocacy Update: Let the Games Begin

We are now “on the other side” of the budget hearings and filing deadline of nomination petitions to run for office. On the later, in the next few weeks, ABC of Pennsylvania will be issuing a voter guide that lists the candidates running for statewide office and U. S. Congress. On the former, the legislature begins the spring session this week, which includes negotiating a 2022-23 state budget along with accompanying bills destined for the governor’s desk.

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ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Advocacy Update: The Silly Springtime Season is Here

On February 8, Gov. Wolf released his final budget proposal for the 2022-23 fiscal year. The $43 billion budget proposal is about $5 billion over last year. Not surprisingly, the governor is again proposing various policy initiatives, including increasing the minimum wage, setting a minimum teacher salary of $45,000, and legalizing recreational marijuana, to name a few. While there are no broad-based tax increases contained in the proposal, the increase over last year is said to be “paid-for” by using all the federal stimulus dollars.

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