ABC Keystone Message from the President

YOUR Association: Looking Ahead

By: G. David Sload, President-CEO, ABC Keystone

Many times, I refer to ABC Keystone as the members’ association. The fact is that ABC Keystone is not only the members’ association, but it is a member-driven association. This was very evident by the participation in our recent strategic planning session. I want to thank the more than 50 members and staff who gave up a day and a half to review and update our 2022-2024 strategic plan.

ABC Keystone’s strategic plan is a living, breathing document that gets reviewed during every monthly board meeting. How are we doing on our goals? Do we need to make any course corrections? Do any of our committees need help in achieving their goals? A plan without review is nothing more than a ship without a rudder. ABC Keystone’s history has always been to work the plan and provide success for you, the members.

Normally, the middle of a three-year plan involves minor review and tweaking. For this plan we had some unique changes that occurred in 2022 that required more discussion and direction. On June 14, 2022, we grew our geographic area from 10 counties to 33 counties. The overarching theme during strategic planning was finding ways to deliver on all our strategic initiatives and services within a larger footprint.

With great discussion and input from all the participants, I believe we have a roadmap. From additional technology to additional resources, we will be very intentional in how we reach this area of great opportunity. Over the next couple of months, the staff and committees will set tactics for achieving our goals in 2023. Like anything else that ABC Keystone has done over its 63 years, it will take member engagement.

As we enter 2023, consider joining the over 270 member employees that currently serve on chapter committees. Help us engage new members into the fold. Become part of the ABC Keystone “It” factor. The staff and I are here to serve and be good stewards of the association. Get engaged and get involved. After all, this is YOUR association.

G. David Sload
G. David Sload
ABC Keystone President-CEO

Posted October 6, 2022