How Do We Mesure Up?
This month we celebrate the July 4th holiday, or as the older generation knows it, “Independence Day.” For some, this is just another day off from work. But to many, it truly celebrates our freedom, freedom from oppression and tyranny to create a more perfect government. This day is recognized yearly in honor of the formal adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Four months following that, our Constitution was produced. Both documents set us on a path to becoming the greatest country on earth…
Celebrate Freedom!
This month we celebrate the July 4th holiday, or as the older generation knows it, “Independence Day.” For some, this is just another day off from work. But to many, it truly celebrates our freedom, freedom from oppression and tyranny to create a more perfect government. This day is recognized yearly in honor of the formal adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Four months following that, our Constitution was produced. Both documents set us on a path to becoming the greatest country on earth…
Time to Grow Our Leadership
Get Into Politics or Get Out of Business…
This phrase was coined by an early ABC Freedom Fighter to help members understand the value of being engaged in order to protect your business. As ABC’s history has evolved, at times we believe we are making progress. As a result, we tend to let off the gas and become complacent. If you are not aware you and your businesses are under attack.
Message from the President-CEO: WARNING! Failure to Follow Directions, Knowingly or Unknowingly, Could Lead to Criminal Charges Being Filed!
The PA Prevailing Wage Act has been in existence for over sixty years. Since the law’s inception, an employee who believes they are being paid incorrectly on their work task classifications or on the fringe benefits is able to file a complaint with the Department of Labor & Industry.
With one decision, the above-described process has been totally upended. For the first time ever, an employee complaint on a Pennsylvania prevailing wage job has led to the filing of criminal charges and an employer being found guilty and sentenced to jail time. Put very simply, a couple of employees decided to go to the local District Attorney and claim wages were being stolen from them due to erroneous job classifications. The case was then taken on by the State Attorney General’s office. For the last four plus years, ABC Keystone has been supporting Scott Good in the case of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Goodco Mechanical.
Message from the President-CEO
Last month I shared several affinity programs that would possibly improve your bottom line. I mentioned a new program on the horizon, a multi-employer 401K program. Well, it is here and available.
Message from the President-CEO
It’s that time of year when most of you have already renewed your membership. For that we thank you. As such it is our commitment to provide you a value for your investment in your association. Many things ABC can provide may be obvious such as education and training, networking and business development, and workforce development. But there are also the intangibles, the things you can’t touch, such as fighting for your rights at a State and Federal level and promoting free enterprise and the merit shop philosophy.
Message from the President-CEO
Yes, another year has passed and so we enter the 64th year of the Keystone Chapter’s existence. In the same way we look to our storied past for inspiration, we look to the future for opportunity and growth. 2023 will be no different than any other year. It will provide us and our members with many challenges, but with challenges come opportunities.
Message from the President-CEO
As I sit to write this article the election results are still not definitively known. What we do know is that PA will have Josh Shapiro as our next Governor. The State Senate will remain Republican. However, there is a good possibility the Statehouse will flip to the Democrats. On the National front, the Democrats will retain the Senate while the house, through leaning Republican, is still undecided.
Message from the President-CEO
October is Nationally designated as “Careers in Construction Month.” Keystone traditionally highlights what we do for the industry and our members through all our marketing efforts. Therefore, I want to recap some of the exciting things that happened as well as the number of members that took advantage of the things we offer.
Message from the President-CEO
Many times, I refer to ABC Keystone as the members’ association. The fact is that ABC Keystone is not only the members’ association, but it is a member-driven association. This was very evident by the participation in our recent strategic planning session. I want to thank the more than 50 members and staff who gave up a day and a half to review and update our 2022-2024 strategic plan.
Message from the President-CEO
As we enter September, we usually think about finally reaching the home stretch for the year. However, here at ABC Keystone we start planning for the start of the new year ahead. Like most businesses, we have to think about the budget, but that is only one component. For our association, September becomes focused on strategic planning and making sure we elect our new Board members for 2023.
Message from the President-CEO
It is hard to believe that over half of 2022 has gone by. With this, ABC Keystone needs to look at how we are doing in terms of the strategic initiatives we set forth at the beginning of the year. The four areas we review are Political Influence, Continuous Growth & Value, Safety & Health, and Being the Leading Force in Workforce Development Education & Training.