Message from the Chair: Preparing for the Future

A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board

We are now in the month of June. It is our mid-way point for 2021, and I want to begin by recognizing and congratulating our dedicated Apprenticeship leaders and training staff for a championship year! Cindy DeWire (Director of Apprenticeship), her assistant Erin Hiles, and our instructors have done a great job making this an incredibly successful year – we thank you all for your hard work and dedication! Your outstanding efforts have allowed ABC Keystone to graduate the largest class in over 15 years! 108 apprentices from seven trades walked the stage on May 20, at the Clipper Magazine Stadium (home of the Lancaster Barnstormers)!

Advocacy Update: The Results Are In

ABC Keystone Merit Shop Advocacy Blog

Another primary election has come and gone. Turnout this year was typical of most odd-numbered year elections, with between 20-25% of eligible voters casting ballots. Generally, there were more challenges on the Democratic ticket, and the trend continues where incumbent Democrats lost to candidates farther to the Left. Regarding special elections for open state House and Senate seats, the results went as expected with no flips. The results are in:

Message from the President-CEO: Elections Have Consequences. You Better Buckle Up!

Message from the President CEO ABC Keystone March 2021

I know, after every election, we hate to hear the phrase ”Elections have Consequences.” Well, the next phrase I’m going to share is just as relevant, and if you have been around ABC very long, you may also get tired of this phrase over the next few years. “Get into politics or get out of business.” For today, I want to focus on politics at the Federal level, because, from a political perspective, it is at this level your business is the most vulnerable. Read more…

Message from the Chair: ABC Delivers Member Value

A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board

Over the past two months, ABC Keystone has gradually and safely returned to holding in-person training and classes for apprenticeship, professional development, and safety. The Chapter also brought member social events back into action.

Message from the Chair: Elections Have Consequences

A Message from the ABC Keystone Chair of the Board

The COVID-19 pandemic, the ensuing public health issues, and the economic shutdown have been front and center in most of our lives since the end of February this year. President Trump, the CDC and Congress issued many new guidelines and restrictions to control the spread of the virus. Many of these federal mandates were designed to allow for state or local representatives to enact additional restrictions based on the regional virus outbreak as needed. In March, our Pennsylvania Governor closed schools, ordered citizens to shelter at home, and closed all “non-essential” businesses.