ABC Keystone is Thriving in 2024! | July 2024

ABC Keystone is thriving in 2024, benefiting both our members and the industry at large. As we near the midpoint of the year, let’s reflect on our accomplishments:

• We are on record pace for bringing in new members.

• Our inaugural Safety Summit was a huge success, sold out and highly valued by our members according to surveys.

• ABC Keystone’s board leadership participated in the national board meeting in DC, advocating for key legislative and ABC initiatives on behalf of our members.

• Several ABC board members and staff attended the ABC LEGCON Conference, with some serving as liaisons on National Committees for Keystone members.

• We are actively promoting legislation that supports the merit shop.

• Our efforts against detrimental legislation include calls, letters to legislators, marketing campaigns, and active participation in meetings to voice our concerns.

• Exciting preparations are underway for the Construction Technology Conference, October 22, 2024 (you won’t want to miss it!)

• And much more!

As Chair of the Board, it’s crucial to keep our valued members informed. The ABC Staff, Board, Committees, and especially our President and CEO Dave Sload, work tirelessly on your behalf.

As we approach the second half of the year, including a pivotal election, rest assured that we are fully committed to delivering value. We understand the challenges faced by merit shop contractors and urge our valued members to stay engaged. Attend networking events, join committees, participate in political functions, and most importantly, exercise your right to vote and encourage others to do the same in November (this cannot be stressed enough!).

Together, with continued dedication, I am confident we will achieve great success!