Time Management – Professional Development

Develop Talent, Streamline Processes & Increase Team Output! | Successful delegation, one of a manager’s most important skills, helps you tap staff potential, accomplish much more, and devote efforts to your most critical tasks. | Part of the Professional Development Series

Positive Assertiveness – Professional Development

Successful Interactions Result in Win-Win Outcomes! | Gain valuable tools for developing your positive assertiveness resulting in win-win outcomes in negotiation, conflict resolution and normal day-to-day business dealings. | Part of the Professional Development Series

Positive Assertiveness – Professional Development

Successful Interactions Result in Win-Win Outcomes! | Gain valuable tools for developing your positive assertiveness resulting in win-win outcomes in negotiation, conflict resolution and normal day-to-day business dealings. | Part of the Professional Development Series

Providing Quality Customer Service – Professional Development

Keys to Attract and Retain Customers | Gain insight into your Customer Service Culture, what leads to dissatisfaction & the processes you can implement to grow solid, lasting relationships within the industry. | Part of the Professional Development Series

Conflict Management – Professional Development

Improve Outcomes Through Positive Strategies! | Discover how to choose and execute the strategy that best fits your situation to successfully handle conflict while developing cooperation with co-workers and organizations. | Part of the Professional Development Series

Successfully Navigating Change – Professional Development

Smooth and Successful Change Navigation Yields Lasting Results. | Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable. Learn aspects relevant to managing personal and organizational change for positive outcomes. | Part of the Professional Development Series

Building Accountability – Professional Development

Building Accountability for Successful Teams | How do you and your team measure results? Master the skills needed to address personal and work accountability successfully. | Part of the Professional Development Series

“What Was I Thinking?” How to Make Better Decisions So You Can Live and Lead with Confidence

Make Better Decisions so You Can Live and Lead with Confidence! | Every decision has consequences. We have all scratched our heads as we’ve witnessed smart and successful people take foolish risks that tarnish their careers. Yet, taking some risk is critical in order to grow and lead a fulfilling life. This course, based on the recently released book of the same title, puts forth a model to help leaders embrace wise risks and avoid foolish ones.

Delegating for Results – Professional Development

Develop Talent, Streamline Processes & Increase Team Output! | Successful delegation, one of a manager’s most important skills, helps you tap staff potential, accomplish much more, and devote efforts to your most critical tasks. | Part of the Professional Development Series